FTC Affiliate Disclosure

This site may recommend products that we get paid a commission for. We don’t recommend or endorse any product solely based on the commission we earn. The cost of the products or services is not increased as a result of our commissions.

Any product reviews, articles and opinions on this website are not paid for by the companies or products we write about. If we receive compensation for any of these we will clearly state that in the article or recommendation.

The articles are written based on research, consumer reviews, and actual use of some of the products. The recommendations, opinions and suggestions are as unbiased as we can make them and are not influenced by advertising income or compensation of any kind.

Some of the links on the web pages are affiliate links. If you click on these links and purchase products or services we may earn a commission. Some of the advertisements may lead to product pages or other product reviews on sites that we do not own. In some cases we may be paid for any click through activity this generates.

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